Arccos Dashboard Adds Course, Hole History & Analysis
The Arccos Golf platform continues to become a go-to for golfers seeking performance tracking and statistical analysis. And, despite being in just our first full golf season, the need for historical points of view became very clear.
With a large portion of Arccos golfers using the sensors and app each and every time they play, a large volume of rounds played -- not to mention the stats that come with those rounds -- has been recorded on their respective accounts. Our team's understanding that local knowledge and past experiences are an integral part of preparing to play a hole or course led us to put major work into the Arccos dashboard, which we're excited to introduce today!
Here's a glimpse at the additions all Arccos users will see upon logging into their dashboards:
Historical Shots: A historical scorecard for any single hole on any given course that's been played.
- View playing trends (and think about better course management) on a per-hole basis
- Accessible from the Round Scorecard as long as you have played a course hole at least twice
My Courses: An in-depth overview of the courses a user has played with Arccos.
- Average 18- and 9-hole scores per course
- A course-level scorecard with per-hole averages across all holes you have played
- View your average Tour Analytics performance, as well traditional stats (average score by par, driving accuracy, GIR, etc.) gathered from all rounds you have played at that course
- Accessible via a unique link in the navigation bar, or by clicking the course name on your Round Scorecard.

- Click to view help text about the respective feature
- You can also click any facet on your Tour Analytics graph to learn how that facet is calculated.
Arccos golfers know the importance and value their dashboards provide. The in-depth statistical breakdown and analysis you receive on your phone via the Arccos app is truly the tip of the iceberg into the analysis Arccos provides.
How do you use the Arccos dashboard to better assess and review your golf game? Leave your thoughts and process in the comments below.